Cult of Pedagogy #124 Open Educational Resources

    Cult of Pedagogy is one of my favorite podcasts. Thank you Jennifer Gonzalez for all of your hard work ! There's a lot of episodes. They are not too long and they are full of good ideas, and resources.  I've implemented many ideas in my classroom I learned about in the podcast, from notetaking to TQE (thoughts, questions, ephianies) strategy during read aloud. In fact the inspiration for creating a mastermind group came from this podcast.
     Tonight, after saying I was not going to work anymore, I decided to listen to a episode while in the shower. It was episode #124 which sent me down the rabbit whole of OER. I didn't even know what that stood for before I listened.  So OER are open educational resources. I learned about Amazon Inspire, EdReports, Core Knowledge etc...
     I looked up EdReports on some of the curricula I am familiar with and found some interesting information. According to the podcast some of the highest rated curricula are free for anyone to use!!

Wow... what would we do if teachers didn't talk to teachers.  I can't wait to explore these resources more thoroughly. I suggest you do the same and start listening to the Cult of Pedagogy podcast!.


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