Students Nowadays

     I've recently been in a meeting that seems to be indicting a shift in education. I love learning something new about teaching. I love trying new things in my classroom.  I do have some excitement about this opportunity. The meeting and the shift seems to be based on the the idea that children today are different than children in the past.  Hmmm.  I don't know if I totally agree with that.I think there are more similarities than differences in the children of today and the children of the past. I think they need a lot of things from their parents and families that children have always needed and will always need. I think their needs at school are also similar. 
     I think most children need the guidance and support of their teacher. I think most children enjoy the structure of school, knowing what to expect when, the consistency of discipline and all that comes with process and procedure. I think school is a safe, somewhat predictable place that students can count on. 
     I don't think just because children are growing up in different kind of world means that they are inherently different. Just because students have access to a world of knowledge doesn't mean they know what to do with it and how to use it properly. Yes children have access to a right now, just for me world of technology. I don't think that means that education should be delivered in that way. 
    I am not convinced that every student has the maturity or the motivation to decide what to learn and when to learn it. Even these students who lack maturity and motivation can and deserve to learn. With the help of a teacher they can. If I am going to be responsible for students getting a good education I think I should be leading the ship sometimes and on the ship all the time. 
     I do think there are times that students should have choices. Choices of topics, products, activities. I think we should find opportunities to let children shine. I have said that we should get away from finding what a student does badly and making them do it over and over and over again, hoping that they will get good at it.  I am not sure I am ready to let every student make every decision about their education. 


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